Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Blog!

So I decided as a way to keep my out-of-town family and friends in the loop a blog might be a good way to do it! I actually originally started this in May before the move, but life got so crazy (and I got lazy!!!) so it was never updated. I promise to make it my resolution to do a better job this time. We'll see!! :-)

The blog is named "Pepe and Pookie's Grand Adventure in the Land of Enchantment" for a reason. Paul's nickname for me is Pookie and I've nicknamed him Pepe because he's kind of love sick like Pepe Le Pew from the cartoons! New Mexico's nickname is the Land of Enchantment (you'll see it on a lot of license plates) so I figured it was a fitting title cause we have some crazy adventures!!

1 comment:

  1. I had such fun! pictures are great I have pictures of us in Sante Fe. I haven't even looked at them yet. will do that soon.
